I built the five-phase MMG™ Coaching program based on my experience of seeing patterns of struggles and understanding the needs that come up for physicians at each stage of their lawsuit.
Phases 1 - 3 are the core of the program, and we will return to these phases as needed throughout your journey.
The program is always tailored to your needs.
PHASE 1. Getting your bearings in uncharted territory
Lawsuits are a two-part battle. Part-one is the battle with opposing party, which is handled solely by your attorney.
However, part-two is something that is often overlooked and neglected - it's the battle with yourself.
We start by working through emotions which create fight or flight and leave you vulnerable in and outside of the lawsuit.
When was the last time you performed at your best while in fight or flight mode
in an unknown environment?
As you begin to process the emotions, we uncover your beliefs and assumptions about lawsuits, which are the root of the emotions you feel.
You will begin to understand and recognize how thought errors and knowledge gaps are contributing to litigation stress and gain tools so you are not set back by shame, worry, overwhelm, confusion, and fear.
You will start to learn the “rules of the game,” and understand your role as a player in the litigation process.
The result? A regained sense of control and empowerment.
PHASE 2. Have a Question? Let's Get You Answers
What do physicians want the most when they are sued? .. well besides the magic wand to make their lawsuit disappear...
I know questions have been popping into your head from the moment you learned you were sued.
Your lawyer, and only your lawyer, will handle questions regarding your specific lawsuit, explain to you the laws in your State, and give you legal advice.
However, as many other questions come up, you get to leverage my experiencing helping hundreds of physicians in various practices go through the process. Think of me as your personal resource, a concierge.
What are some examples of questions you may have?
What happens in a lawsuit?
How long can the process take?
Can I refuse a settlement?
What if my insurance carrier is refusing to settle?
What if I don't like my attorney?
How hands on do I need to be in the process?
What can I expect at each stage (eg: during discovery, in depositions, at mediation, and trial)? What is it really like?
What changes can I make to protect my practice?
If I am sued, it must mean I was negligent, right? (Wrong..)
And many many more.
If I am unable to answer your question directly, I will guide you to the resource to find the answer, or help you focus and generate a list of questions you can ask during a confidential discussion with your attorney.
Knowledge is power. You will gain the information you need and learn how to optimize the available resources to make decisions that are best for you.
Phase 3. Discover What You Need
You are in a lawsuit. Until it is tried, settled, or dismissed, it will be part of your life.
I know . . . it's really hard and overwhelming. But stick with me, we will get you through this.
The challenge of any lawsuit is balancing its effects in and on your life.
In this phase, we design a plan based on what you need, the demands of your current life, and what the lawsuit has brought up for you personally and professionally.
It takes a village to get through this process and here you will discover yours.
PHASE 4: Let's Get to it Already!
By Phase 4, most of the heavy lifting will be behind you. You will have mastery of the rules of the game, along with your “role” in the process.
You have the answers to your questions, understand what YOU need to STRATEGICALLY navigate the legal and emotional aspects of your lawsuit.
You are in the optimal state for us to roll up our sleeves and dig in.
We designed you plan in Phase 4. We can now start implementing, and refining the strategies and tools you have learned to keep you focused, energized, and strong through your litigation journey.
PHASE 5. We Level Up the Plan
Once you are ready, we will level up the plan that you've started to implement in Phase 4.
We take a hard look at your practice.
We examine it for weaknesses and blind spots that you notice (or discover) as you go through the journey. I will help you identify and prioritize potential pitfalls to help decrease the risk of litigation and exposure in the future. This is where I incorporate legal-medical consulting to help you work through any weak points you have identified in your practice.
We also use this phase to look for other growth opportunities (optional):
Using the growing pains to fuel you forward, you may be surprised to realize that the process has helped you to discover (or re-discover) your sense of purpose, get reconnected with your values, and imagine a future different from, and even better than, what you had in mind before the lawsuit.
While the process of shedding an old version of you will take time, I promise it will be rewarding in the end.
Using what you have learned in the process, you will begin taking action to re-align yourself with a new vision of your life that you have re-imagined through your growth.
And I will be by your side every step of the way.